Before undergoing breast augmentation San Diego women should be familiar with some of the common terms we use. This will help you feel more comfortable before the procedure, as well as feel more informed about the surgery itself.
Areola: This is the darker area surrounding the raised nipple on the breast. When you hear reference to a periareolar incision, this means the incision follows the outline of the areola to make it less conspicuous.
Axillary: The area where the arm meets up with the body, or the armpit area. A transaxillary incision during augmentation is one made in the armpit in order to allow implant insertion without any incisions on the breasts themselves.
Bilateral: Includes both right and left breasts.
Breast Envelope: This is the subcutaneous tissue and covering skin which give your breasts their shape.
Capsular Contracture: The formation of excessive scar tissue around the implant to the point of rigidity and painfulness.
Dropping: Also sometimes called fluffing, this refers to the point in recovery at which the implants settle into a more natural placement.
Inframammary Crease: This is the natural crease which runs under the breast. An inframammary incision is placed within this crease to reduce visibility.
Submuscular: This refers to the placement of the implant below the muscle. A full submuscular placement indicates that the implant will be under the muscle entirely.
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