Thursday, November 22, 2012

Tummy Tucks in San Diego: Understanding the Risks

As with any surgical procedure, a tummy tuck procedure carries some risks of complications. And, since abdominoplasty is one of the more complex cosmetic procedures, it carries different risks than a less invasive surgery. Although we follow rigorous protocols to make tummy tucks at our San Diego practice as safe as possible, it’s still a good idea to familiarize yourself with the possible complications.
Possible Complications
• There is always the chance of an adverse reaction to anesthesia.
• The level of pain experienced following a tummy tuck for our San Diego patients varies depending on many factors, including the extent of surgery and an individual's pain tolerance. If muscles were re-tightened, pain can be significant for the first day or two.
• The surgical site may develop numbness, nerve damage or other changes in skin sensation.
• Unfavorable side effects, such as bleeding, infection and fluid accumulation, may occur.
• Internal blood clots may form after surgery.
• Results may be less than optimal, such as unattractive scarring, asymmetry, skin looseness or other suboptimal aesthetics. In this case, revisionary surgery may be necessary to correct these issues.
A Safer Surgery
It’s important to keep in mind that severe complications are relatively rare following abdominoplasty. Additionally, many of these potential risks are mitigated by following the pre- and post-surgical instructions of your surgeon, and taking any medical advice to heart. Although every surgery has the potential for complications, it’s important to weigh the risks against the desired outcome of your procedure to decide whether a tummy tuck is right for you.

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