There are many techniques available for San Diego liposuction patients. At Alexander Cosmetic Surgery, our choice is VASER® Liposuction. There are several different benefits to using this specific liposuction method over others:
• VASER® Liposuction uses ultrasound technology, transmitting sound energy through fat to quickly liquefy the fat cells.
• Patients who receive VASER® liposuction can see improved skin retraction compared to traditional liposuction techniques.
• The use of ultrasound makes the liposuction process less invasive and less painful, which means a faster and easier recovery time.
In traditional liposuction, the surgical wand that is passed under the skin (known as a cannula) must be moved vigorously back and forth to break up and suction the fat cells. This vigorous action causes trauma to the surrounding tissues, especially the connective tissue along with nerves and blood vessels. Following traditional lipo, it is not uncommon for patients to report feeling sore and seeing heavy bruising during the recovery process.
At Alexander Cosmetic Surgery in San Diego, the VASER® liposuction method produces far less trauma to the tissues surrounding the fat cells. Since the ultrasound waves break up the fat cells more quickly, greater precision is possible, and with a less invasive technique. Previously hard-to-target areas are much easier to treat with VASER® liposuction. Patients see less bruising, experience less pain and heal more quickly, all while seeing better and more consistent results than if traditional liposuction had been chosen.